Starting at $19
Example 1 – File Upload Form
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Features used in this example
Allow multiple files
Enable users to upload multiple files simultaneously by specifying the maximum number of files they can upload, ranging from 1 to 100 files.
Maximum file size (10mb)
You can set the file limit yourself. The plugin does not impose any limits; rather, the limit is determined solely by the specifications of your server. While certain servers can comfortably manage up to 1GB, others may encounter difficulties with files as small as 200MB. It’s advisable to contact your hosting provider to inquire about the upload size constraints of your server.
Only images allowed (jpg,png,svg,webp,gif)
You can limit the types of files that can be uploaded. For instance, in this case, only images are allowed to be uploaded.
Add Icons To Fields
Icons can be used to indicate the fieldtype, such as a phone icon for a phone number field or an envelope icon for an email field.
Example 2 – Feedback Form (Star Rating Field)
🍰 Cake Factory Feedback
Features used in this example
Star Rating Field
Obtain feedback from users by utilizing the star rating field, which offers various design alternatives and allows you to select either a 5 or 10-star layout.
Conditional Logic
Employ the star rating field along with conditional logic to display or conceal input fields based on the rating.
Date picker field
Allow users to select a date using the datepicker field, a crucial field type that you will repeatedly utilize.
Add Icons To Fields
Icons can be used to indicate the fieldtype, such as a phone icon for a phone number field or an envelope icon for an email field.
Example 3 – Reservation Form (Date Picker Field)
Fill in this form check the custom ‘Submission Confirmation’ feature.
Reserve A Table
Features used in this example
Date picker field
Allow users to select a date using the datepicker field, a crucial field type that you will repeatedly utilize.
- Disable selected days of the week
Deactivate specific days of the week or month, such as during your store’s closure or on a national holiday, for instance.
- Custom Date Format
Set the date format to your local specifications like DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY.
- Only allow dates in the future
If you wish to permit only future dates, you can do so without difficulty. This feature is particularly useful for bookings or reservations.
Confirmation e-mail
You can send users a confirmation copy of their submission, which can be quite useful for bookings, reservations, or other types of submissions containing pertinent details or information.
Example 4 – Voucher (Confirmation Email)
Enter your email address and check the ‘Submission Confirmation’ feature
Get a $5 voucher for free
Enter your email address and receive a $5 voucher code in your inbox
Features used in this example
Confirmation e-mail
Send an automated ‘thank you’ email after filling in the form. You can send users a confirmation copy of their submission, which can be quite useful for bookings, reservations, or other types of submissions containing pertinent details or information.
Example 5 – Booking Form (Date Picker Field)
Fill in this form check the custom ‘Submission Confirmation’ feature.
Car Rental Form
Features used in this example
Date picker field
Allow users to select a date using the datepicker field, a crucial field type that you will repeatedly utilize.
- Disable weekends
Deactivate specific days of the week or month, such as during your store’s closure or on a national holiday, for instance.
- Custom Date Format
Set the date format to your local specifications like DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY.
- Only allow dates in the future
If you wish to permit only future dates, you can do so without difficulty. This feature is particularly useful for bookings or reservations.
Confirmation e-mail
You can send users a confirmation copy of their submission, which can be quite useful for bookings, reservations, or other types of submissions containing pertinent details or information.
Example 6 – Icons
Sign Up Now!
Features used in this example
Add Icons To Fields
Icons can be used to indicate the fieldtype, such as a phone icon for a phone number field or an envelope icon for an email field.
Starting at $19